STEM career advice
Society has a big influence on the encouragement and career development of girls in STEM. Girls' perceptions are also shaped at home and reinforced at school.
As an educator, you are shaping and inspiring female role models and visionaries of the future. When engaging girls in STEM, a whole-school approach can have a significant impact.
Career resources for STEM teachers
STEM-specialist teachers are at the forefront of career education and development within classrooms. These resources and lessons can help you to bring career conversations and real-life problem-solving into the classroom.
The resources make subject selection for STEM career planning easier, as they include career advice, pathway options, job exploration techniques and labour market information.
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Opportunities in STEM
These curated resources build opportunity awareness, provide labour market information, showcase inspirational female role models, and help students understand the broader concept of STEM as an innovative, important set of endeavours.
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