
The Girls in STEM Toolkit (The GiST) is funded by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources and managed by Education Services Australia. The GiST provides girls and young women with resources to help them understand how their existing skills and interests can link to STEM careers and study pathways.

The team identified three key evaluation priorities for reporting on the impact of the project:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the GiST for teachers:

Do teachers find the resources on the GiST useful in supporting them to improve girls’ participation in STEM?

  • Evaluate the usefulness of the Career quiz for students:

Does the quiz guide students to discover STEM careers and does it provide useful information?

  • Evaluate the usefulness of the GiST for families:

Are the resources on the GiST useful for families to support / encourage their girls into STEM pursuits/pathways?

These questions formed the focus for the evaluation activities undertaken throughout the life of the project.

Read the reports: