The study of social intervention designed to help persons, individually and collectively, maximise their social and economic wellbeing. The main purpose of this narrow field of education is to develop an understanding of the social, political and economic climate in which social policy is developed, administered and implemented, the social needs of individuals, groups and communities within society, the resources available to meet these needs, and the social influences that affect the behaviour and social functioning of people. It also involves developing an ability to plan and deliver welfare programs, and organise resources to meet individual and community needs.
Course skills
Human Welfare Studies and Services develops skills in:
- assessing the welfare requirements of individuals and groups
- assisting individuals, groups and communities in relation to family and child welfare, probation and parole, housing, health and rehabilitation
- assisting individuals, groups and communities to utilise their own resources to improve their wellbeing
- communicating with young children, parents and other professionals
- mediating between and counselling individuals, groups and communities
- planning, organising and implementing programs for the care of young children.
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics