
Architects and Landscape Architects

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Architects and Landscape Architects

Architects and Landscape Architects design commercial, industrial, institutional, residential and recreational buildings and landscapes.

Fun facts

  • 1827 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 81% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 34% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by architects and landscape architects. A few are listed below:

  • obtaining advice from clients and management to determine type, style and size of planned buildings and alterations to existing buildings
  • providing information regarding designs, materials and estimated building times
  • preparing project documentation, including sketches and scale drawings, and integrating structural, mechanical and aesthetic elements in final designs
  • writing specifications and contract documents for use by builders and calling tenders on behalf of clients
  • consulting with Professionals and clients about external area designs, costs and construction
  • compiling and analysing site and community data about geographical and ecological features, landforms, soils, vegetation, site hydrology, visual characteristics and human-made structures, to formulate land use and development recommendations, and for preparing environmental impact statements
  • preparing reports, site plans, working drawings, specifications and cost estimates for land development, showing location and details of proposals, including ground modelling, structures, vegetation and access
  • inspecting construction work in progress to ensure compliance with plans, specifications and quality standards

Specific occupations

  • Architect
  • Landscape Architect
  • Conservation or Heritage Architect

16 Women Architects Changing the Field

Despite women making up only 18% percent of the architecture field, a larger percentage are leading the way when it comes to innovation and creativity. Explore 16 of them in this Artsy list.


Kate Douglas, Architect