
Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians

Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians assist in civil engineering research, design, construction, operations and maintenance.

Fun facts

  • 1730 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 89% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 14% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by civil engineering draftspersons and technicians. A few are listed below:

  • preparing sketches, charts, tabulations, plans and designs for civil engineering works such as drainage, water supply, sewerage reticulation systems, roads, airports, dams, bridges and other structures
  • performing and directing fieldwork and laboratory testing
  • interpreting work assignment instructions, applying appropriate procedures and selecting equipment
  • collecting and analysing data, and carrying out computations
  • estimating material costs and ensuring finished works are within specifications, regulations and contract provisions
  • inspecting civil engineering works, and organising and supervising maintenance and repair work
  • conducting field and laboratory tests of construction materials and soils, and collecting data for traffic surveys

Specific occupations

  • Civil Engineering Draftsperson
  • Civil Engineering Technician
  • Civil Engineering Design Draftsperson
  • Plumbing Engineering Draftsperson
  • Road Design Draftsperson
  • Sewage Reticulation Drafting Officer
  • Structural Engineering Drafting Officer
  • Civil Engineering Assistant
  • Civil Laboratory Technician
  • Geotechnical Laboratory Technician