
Crop Farmers

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Crop Farmers

Crop Farmers plan, organise, control, coordinate and perform farming operations to grow crops.

Fun facts

  • NA Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 78% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 25% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by crop farmers. A few are listed below:

  • planning and coordinating the production and marketing of crops, such as grain, cotton, sugar cane, fruit and nuts, vegetables, turf and flowers, from soil preparation to harvest, taking into account environmental and market factors
  • selecting and planting seeds, seedlings and bulbs, and grafting new varieties to root stocks
  • maintaining crop production by cultivating, de-budding and pruning, and maintaining optimal growing conditions
  • organising and conducting farming operations, such as collecting, storing, grading and packaging produce, and organising the sale, purchase and dispatch of produce
  • directing and overseeing general farming activities such as fertilising and pest and weed control
  • maintaining farm buildings, fences, equipment and water supply systems
  • maintaining and evaluating records of farming activities, monitoring market activity, and planning crop preparation and production to meet contract requirements and market demand
  • managing business capital including budgeting, taxation, debt and loan management
  • may select, train and supervise staff and contractors

Specific occupations

  • Cotton Grower
  • Flower Grower
  • Fruit or Nut Grower
  • Grape Grower
  • Mixed Crop Farmer
  • Sugar Cane Grower
  • Turf Grower
  • Crop Farmer
  • Coffee Grower
  • Ginger Farmer
  • Hop Farmer
  • Mushroom Farmer
  • Tea Tree Farmer
  • Tree Farmer
  • Sugar Cane Farm Manager
  • Turf Farmer
  • Vegetable Farm Manager
  • Floriculturist
  • Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Farm Manager
  • Lucerne Farmer
  • Soybean Grower
  • Wheat Farmer
  • Viticulturist
  • Market Gardener (Flowers)
  • Market Gardener (Fruit)
  • Olive Grower
  • Orchardist
  • Market Gardener (Vegetables)

Roberta De Bei, viticulturalist

Dr Roberta De Bei’s research focuses on helping grape-vine growers (viticulturalists) worldwide to improve sustainable management of their vineyards. This has included developing a vineyard management app. Part of an international network of people working in this area, Roberta travels often to speak at forums. It helps that she speaks four languages!