
Financial Investment Advisers and Managers

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Financial Investment Advisers and Managers

Financial Investment Advisers and Managers develop financial plans for individuals and organisations, and invest and manage funds on their behalf.

Fun facts

  • 2887 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 84% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 31% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by financial investment advisers and managers. A few are listed below:

  • interviewing prospective clients to determine financial status and objectives, discussing financial options and developing financial plans and investment strategies
  • monitoring investment performance, and reviewing and revising investment plans based on modified needs and changes in markets
  • recommending and arranging insurance cover for clients
  • arranging to buy and sell stocks and bonds for clients
  • advising on investment strategies, sources of funds and the distribution of earnings
  • setting financial objectives, and developing and implementing strategies for achieving the financial objectives
  • managing funds raised from personal superannuation savings policies and unit trusts
  • assisting in meeting superannuation compliance requirements
  • directing the collection of financial, accounting and investment information and the preparation of budgets, reports, forecasts and statutory returns
  • may refer clients to other organisations to obtain services outlined in financial plans

Specific occupations

  • Financial Investment Adviser
  • Financial Investment Manager
  • Financial Planning Adviser
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Superannuation Funds Manager
  • Unit Trust Manager

Natasha Mandie, EM Advisory

Learn about Natasha’s journey and how she built a successful company, EM Advisory.