
Fire and Emergency Workers

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Fire and Emergency Workers

Fire and Emergency Workers attend emergencies to minimise risk to community safety and security and protect life and property.

Fun facts

  • 2046 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 93% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 7% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by fire and emergency workers. A few are listed below:

  • attending the scene of fires and other emergencies reported to authorities
  • rescuing and evacuating people stranded or trapped in dangerous situations
  • operating pumps, spraying water, foam and chemicals from hoses, portable extinguishers and other appliances to extinguish fires and to disperse or neutralise dangerous substances
  • cutting openings in buildings and crashed vehicles to free occupants
  • maintaining site security systems
  • administering first aid
  • attending and participating in training activities, rescue classes, drills, demonstrations and courses in emergency and fire-fighting techniques
  • training recruits in emergency procedures and practices
  • visiting buildings and potential fire hazards to study access points and locations of hydrants
  • maintaining tools and equipment

Specific occupations

  • Emergency Service Worker
  • Fire Fighter
  • Emergency Response Officer
  • Industrial Paramedic
  • Fire Engineer (Army)
  • Fire Prevention Officer
  • Leading Firefighter