

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Gardeners plant, cultivate, maintain, plan and construct parks, gardens and landscapes, and inspect, diagnose and treat trees and shrubs.

Fun facts

  • 1410 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 63% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 11% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by gardeners. A few are listed below:

  • preparing and maintaining seedbeds and growing sites
  • propagating and planting trees, bushes, hedges, flowers and bulbs
  • preparing lawn areas by spreading top soil and planting grass, and by laying instant turf
  • maintaining planted and grassed areas by weeding, trimming, fertilising, watering and mowing
  • pruning trees and hedges, and installing plant support and protection devices
  • preparing plans and drawings, selecting materials and plants, and scheduling landscape construction
  • setting out and installing hardscape and softscape structures
  • constructing gravel and paved areas, walls, fences, pergolas, ponds, barbecues and garden furniture
  • examining trees to assess their condition and determine treatment
  • lopping limbs off trees and shaping branches using chain and handsaws
  • spraying and dusting plants and trees to control insects and disease, and felling diseased trees

Specific occupations

  • Gardener (General)
  • Arborist
  • Landscape Gardener
  • Tree Surgeon