
Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Workers

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Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Workers

Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Workers perform routine tasks in crop cultivation and animal production.

Fun facts

  • NA Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 75% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 17% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by mixed crop and livestock farm workers. A few are listed below:

  • patrolling, inspecting and reporting on the condition of crops and livestock
  • operating farm machines to cultivate, plant, fertilise, spray and harvest field crops
  • maintaining and repairing buildings, machines, fences, plant and water systems
  • loading and unloading seed grain, fertilisers and livestock feed, and loading field crops into transporters for marketing
  • irrigating land for crop growth
  • providing livestock with feed and water
  • assisting with maintaining the health and welfare of livestock
  • mustering and droving livestock to milking and shearing sheds and between paddocks to ensure sufficient feed is available

Specific occupations

  • Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Worker
  • General Farm Hand