Other Miscellaneous Labourers
Other Miscellaneous Labourers include Bicycle Mechanic, Car Park Attendant, Crossing Supervisor, Electrical or Telecommunications Trades Assistant, Leaflet or Newspaper Deliverer, Mechanic's Assistant, Railways Assistant, Road Traffic Controller, Sign Ere
Fun facts
1250 Weekly Pay Before Tax
46% full-time Full-Time Share
24% female Gender Share
There are many tasks done by other miscellaneous labourers. A few are listed below:
- repairing and adjusting bicycles, and assembling bicycle kits
- operating and maintaining a car parking facility by guarding cars in parking areas and collecting fees at car park entry or exit points
- assisting children, disabled and other pedestrians to cross roads by stopping traffic and ensuring all pedestrians have crossed safely
- assisting Electrotechnology and Telecommunications Trades Workers to install and maintain electrical and telecommunications systems
- collecting leaflets or newspapers from a collection point and delivering them to homes
- assisting Motor Mechanics to replace and repair worn and defective parts, re-assemble mechanical components, change oil and filters, and perform other routine mechanical tasks
- assisting with operating and maintaining facilities at a railway station by updating platform indicators showing train times and destinations, collecting and checking passenger tickets, giving signals for train departures, and cleaning station facilities
- manually directing road traffic and pedestrian flows on, near, or adjacent to roads during road closures or part road closures
- erecting and installing signs, and cleaning signs and their sites after installation
- collecting tickets or admission passes and ushering patrons to their seats at an entertainment, sporting or recreational venue
- collecting supermarket trolleys from car parks and other areas
Specific occupations
- Bicycle Mechanic
- Car Park Attendant
- Crossing Supervisor
- Electrical or Telecommunications Trades Assistant
- Leaflet or Newspaper Deliverer
- Mechanic's Assistant
- Railways Assistant
- Sign Erector
- Ticket Collector or Usher
- Trolley Collector
- Road Traffic Controller
- Labourer
- Bowling Alley Attendant
- Grip
- Milk Runner
- Racecourse Barrier Attendant
- Stagehand
- Studio Hand
- Swimming Pool Serviceperson
- Bicycle Repairer
- Bicycle Technician
- Venue Attendant
- Events Traffic Controller
- Lube Attendant
- Entertainment Usher
- Gatekeeper
- Turnstile Attendant