
Other Mobile Plant Operators

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Other Mobile Plant Operators

Other Mobile Plant Operators include Aircraft Baggage Handler and Airline Ground Crew, Linemarker, Paving Plant Operator, Railway Track Plant Operator, Road Roller Operator and Streetsweeper Operator occupations.

Fun facts

  • 1440 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 72% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 10% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by other mobile plant operators. A few are listed below:

  • loading and unloading baggage, directing planes, positioning staircases, filling aircraft fuel tanks and performing other aircraft ground services
  • operating plant to apply markings to roads and other surfaces such as car parks, airports and sportsgrounds
  • operating plant to spread and level hot bituminous paving materials and lay concrete
  • operating plant to lay, align, repair and maintain railway tracks
  • operating a power-driven roller to prepare surfaces for roads, runways and car parks
  • operating plant to clean streets and gutters of litter and debris

Specific occupations

  • Aircraft Baggage Handler and Airline Ground Crew
  • Linemarker
  • Paving Plant Operator
  • Railway Track Plant Operator
  • Road Roller Operator
  • Streetsweeper Operator
  • Mobile Plant Operator
  • Cable Ferry Operator
  • Dredge Operator
  • Mulcher Operator
  • Snow Groomer
  • Straddle Carrier Operator
  • Tunneller
  • Ramp Agent
  • Road Marker