
Other Specialist Managers

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Other Specialist Managers

Other Specialist Managers include Arts Administrator or Manager, Environmental Manager, Laboratory Manager, Quality Assurance Manager and Sports Administrator occupations.

Fun facts

  • 2621 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 88% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 40% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by other specialist managers. A few are listed below:

  • planning, organising, directing, controlling, coordinating and promoting artistic and cultural policies, programs, projects and services
  • planning, organising, directing, controlling and coordinating the development and implementation of an environmental management system within an organisation by identifying, solving and alleviating environmental issues
  • planning, organising, directing, controlling and coordinating the operations of a research or production laboratory
  • planning, organising, directing, controlling and coordinating the deployment of quality systems and certification processes within an organisation
  • planning, organising, directing, controlling, coordinating and promoting sport and recreational activities, and developing related policies

Specific occupations

  • Arts Administrator or Manager
  • Environmental Manager
  • Laboratory Manager
  • Quality Assurance Manager
  • Sports Administrator
  • Specialist Manager
  • Airport Manager
  • Ambassador
  • Archbishop
  • Bishop
  • Harbour Master
  • Security Manager (Non-ICT)
  • Quality Facilitator
  • Art Gallery Director
  • Community Arts Centre Manager
  • Cultural Centre Manager

Jacqueline Tate, partnerships manager and project manager

Jacqueline Tate works in the space where medical research and creative tech meet. A passionate advocate of STEM, she works to support equal access to creative technology. She is STEM Partnership Manager at CoderAcademy and project manager in Myeloma Australia’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Group.