
Social Professionals

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Social Professionals

Social Professionals research and study human behaviour, society and institutions from current and historical perspectives, and verbally render spoken statements, and transcribe text and recorded spoken material from one language into another.

Fun facts

  • 1634 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 39% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 64% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by social professionals. A few are listed below:

  • assembling historical data by consulting sources of information such as historical indexes and catalogues, archives, court records, diaries, newspaper files and other materials
  • organising, authenticating, evaluating and interpreting historical, political, sociological, anthropological and linguistic data
  • undertaking historical and cultural research into human activity, and preparing and presenting research findings
  • providing simultaneous and consecutive verbal or signed renditions of speeches into another language
  • rendering the meaning and feeling of what is said and signed into another language in the appropriate register and style in a range of settings such as courts, hospitals, schools, workplaces and conferences
  • studying original texts and transcripts of recorded spoken material to comprehend subject matter and translating them into another language
  • rendering the meaning and feeling of written material, such as literary, legal, technical and scientific texts, into another language in the appropriate register and style, so that it will read as an original piece rather than as a translation

Specific occupations

  • Historian
  • Interpreter
  • Translator
  • Archaeologist
  • Social Professional
  • Anthropologist
  • Criminologist
  • Geographer
  • Heritage Consultant
  • Linguist
  • Parole Board Member
  • Political Scientist
  • Sociologist
  • Transport Analyst
  • Art Historian
  • Cultural Historian
  • Economic Historian
  • Geographical Historian