
Surveyors and Spatial Scientists

Below are details about the field of study you have chosen to explore, as well as some potential careers.

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Surveyors and Spatial Scientists

Surveyors and Spatial Scientists plan, direct and conduct survey work to determine and delineate boundaries and features of tracts of land, marine floors and underground works, prepare and revise maps, charts and other geographic products, and analyse, present and maintain geographical information about locations in space and time.

Fun facts

  • 1907 Weekly Pay Before Tax
  • 87% full-time Full-Time Share
  • 13% female Gender Share


There are many tasks done by surveyors and spatial scientists. A few are listed below:

  • determining the position of points of interest on the earth's surface including marine floors, and preparing the final product data in digital form
  • supervising the preparation of plans, maps, charts and drawings to give pictorial representations and managing spatial information systems
  • undertaking research and development of surveying and photogrammetric measurement systems, cadastral systems and land information systems
  • planning and designing land subdivision projects and negotiating details with local governments and other authorities
  • advising Architects, Engineering Professionals, environmental and other scientists or other relevant professionals on the technical requirements of surveying, mapping and spatial information systems
  • compiling and evaluating data, interpreting codes of practice, and writing reports concerning survey measurement, land use and tenure
  • preparing site plans and survey reports required for conveyancing and land ownership matters
  • evaluating, compiling and maintaining spatial information using a range of digital and graphical source materials, including aerial photographs, satellite imagery, survey documents, existing maps and records, historical data, reports and statistics
  • analysing and interpreting data to design maps, graphs, plans, drawings and three-dimensional models using geographic information and related systems
  • developing and trialling new applications for use in geographic information systems
  • supervising and coordinating the work of Surveying or Spatial Science Technicians in the production and reproduction of geographic products

Specific occupations

  • Surveyor
  • Cartographer
  • Other Spatial Scientist
  • Cadastral Surveyor
  • Engineering Surveyor
  • Geodetic Surveyor
  • Hydrographic Surveyor
  • Mine Surveyor
  • Photogrammetric Surveyor
  • Geographic Information Systems Manager

Narelle Underwood, surveyor general, director of survey operations

Narelle Underwood broke a few records when she was appointed to a major surveying role in 2016. She argues for innovation and the use of emerging technologies to develop the surveying and geospatial field. Further evidence of her commitment to her profession is shown in her mentoring of young women entering it, and her work on various related boards.