Talk tools: Developing girls' STEM identities through classroom discourse
Both at and outside of school, girls are exposed to biased views about their place in STEM. Teachers can ‘level the playing field’ by creating gender-inclusive classroom environments, but girls often require active support to imagine themselves as ‘STEM people’.
With a conscious focus on classroom talk, teachers can ensure that every lesson actively develops each student’s STEM identity and their positive engagement with STEM.
Educators are well versed in the significance of classroom talk. The use of verbal and non-verbal cues of appreciation, re-direction and recognition are key tools in building positive relationships in and around the classroom, and in fostering internal motivation.
The five approaches
The Talk Tools complement the Classroom strategies for inclusive STEM learning environments, and can be used with any STEM lesson and in any diverse classroom context.
The tools are embedded within five GiST Talk approaches. Select an approach to read more.
5 GiST Talk approaches
For each approach, you'll find activities to reflect on your own practice, tools to develop new approaches, and tips to create classroom talk that's motivating and inclusive.
Use this presentation to share the GiST Talk Tools with your colleagues.
Supporting resources

Who's into STEM?
Some of your students will have stereotypes about who is suited to STEM subjects and the types of skills needed to be successful in these subjects. You can help to expand students’ views of what counts as doing science in the classroom. Use this questionnaire to collect information about how students see themselves and help them expand their ideas of what counts as 'doing STEM'.
Download questionnaire
Talk Tools: Professional Learning presentation
Classroom talk is everything a teacher says in the classroom – and this can be a powerful tool in promoting STEM. Use this power point presentation in a faculty meeting and explore ways to make positive changes to classroom talk in your school.
Gist Talk Tools Presentation
7 principles for inclusive learning environments
Explore these principles to help create a gender inclusive teaching and learning environment in your classroom.
7 principles for inclusive learning environments
Talk moves
Develop your Classroom Talk Moves with this set of resources from the Department of Education, NSW.
Talk MovesTalk Tools reference list
Download the reference list for GiST Talk Tools: Developing girls’ STEM identities through classroom discourse.
GiST Talk Tools reference listGiST Talk Tools resources
Download all the GiST Talk Tools resources below
- GiST Talk Tools Developing Girls STEM Identities Through Classroom Discourse
- GiST Talk Tools Presentation
- GiST Talk Tools Who's Into STEM Questionnaire
- GiST Talk Tools Student Connection Curriculum Plan Example
- GiST STEM Dispositions Meter Posters
- GiST STEM Dispositions Snapshot
- GiST Talk Tools STEM journey example
- GiST Talk Tools STEM journey
- GiST Talk Tools Student Interest PPT
- GiST Talk Tools Reference List